
Test resource factory for the botocore library.

class pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore.BotocoreTestResourceFactory(localstack_session)[source]

Create botocore clients to interact with a LocalstackSession.

Parameters:localstack_session (LocalstackSession) – The session that this factory should create test resources for.
client(service_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a botocore client that will use Localstack.

Arguments are the same as botocore.session.Session.create_client().


Return a default botocore Localstack Session.

Most applications only need one Session.


Context manager that will patch botocore to use Localstack.

Since boto3 relies on botocore to perform API calls, this method also effectively patches boto3.

session(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a botocore Session that will use Localstack.

Arguments are the same as botocore.session.Session.

class pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore.DefaultCredentialProvider(session=None)[source]

Provide some default credentials for Localstack clients.


Return credentials.

class pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore.LocalstackEndpointResolver(localstack_session, endpoints)[source]

Resolve AWS service endpoints based on a LocalstackSession.

construct_endpoint(service_name, region_name=None)[source]

Resolve an endpoint for a service and region combination.

get_available_endpoints(service_name, partition_name='aws', allow_non_regional=False)[source]

List the endpoint names of a particular partition.


List the partitions available to the endpoint resolver.


Return a list of regions we can resolve endpoints for.

class pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore.Session(localstack_session, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A botocore Session subclass that talks to Localstack.

create_client(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a botocore client.


Add patch_fixture() to pytest_localstack.


Add BotocoreTestResourceFactory to LocalstackSession.


Create a credentials resolver for Localstack.

pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore.patch_fixture(scope='function', services=None, autouse=False, docker_client=None, region_name=None, kinesis_error_probability=0.0, dynamodb_error_probability=0.0, container_log_level=10, localstack_version='latest', auto_remove=True, pull_image=True, container_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a pytest fixture that temporarially redirects all botocore sessions and clients to a Localstack container.

This is not a fixture! It is a factory to create them.

The fixtures that are created by this function will run a Localstack container and patch botocore to direct traffic there for the duration of the tests.

Since boto3 uses botocore to send requests, boto3 will also be redirected.

  • scope (str, optional) – The pytest scope which this fixture will use. Defaults to "function".
  • services (list, dict, optional) –

    One of

    • A list of AWS service names to start in the Localstack container.
    • A dict of service names to the port they should run on.

    Defaults to all services. Setting this can reduce container startup time and therefore test time.

  • autouse (bool, optional) – If True, automatically use this fixture in applicable tests. Default: False
  • docker_client (DockerClient, optional) – Docker client to run the Localstack container with. Defaults to docker.client.from_env().
  • region_name (str, optional) – Region name to assume. Each Localstack container acts like a single AWS region. Defaults to "us-east-1".
  • kinesis_error_probability (float, optional) – Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into Kinesis API responses.
  • dynamodb_error_probability (float, optional) – Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into DynamoDB API responses.
  • container_log_level (int, optional) – The logging level to use for Localstack container logs. Defaults to logging.DEBUG.
  • localstack_version (str, optional) – The version of the Localstack image to use. Defaults to "latest".
  • auto_remove (bool, optional) – If True, delete the Localstack container when it stops. Default: True
  • pull_image (bool, optional) – If True, pull the Localstack image before running it. Default: True
  • container_name (str, optional) – The name for the Localstack container. Defaults to a randomly generated id.
  • **kwargs – Additional kwargs will be passed to the LocalstackSession.

A pytest fixture.