Source code for pytest_localstack

import contextlib
import logging
import sys
import warnings

import docker

import pytest

from pytest_localstack import constants, plugin, session, utils
from pytest_localstack._version import __version__  # noqa: F401

_start_timeout = None
_stop_timeout = None

def pytest_configure(config):
    global _start_timeout, _stop_timeout
    if config.getoption("--no-localstack"):
        pm = config.pluginmanager
        warning_message = (
            "The custom --no-localstack flag is depreciated. "
            "You can disable this plugin with pytest -p no:localstack"
        warnings.warn(message=warning_message, category=DeprecationWarning)
    _start_timeout = config.getoption("--localstack-start-timeout")
    _stop_timeout = config.getoption("--localstack-stop-timeout")

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    """Hook to add pytest_localstack command line options to pytest."""
    group = parser.getgroup("localstack")
        help="skip tests with a pytest_localstack fixture (deprecated: use `-p no:localstack`)",
        help="max seconds for starting a localstack container",
        help="max seconds for stopping a localstack container",

[docs]def session_fixture( scope="function", services=None, autouse=False, docker_client=None, region_name=None, kinesis_error_probability=0.0, dynamodb_error_probability=0.0, container_log_level=logging.DEBUG, localstack_version="latest", auto_remove=True, pull_image=True, container_name=None, **kwargs ): """Create a pytest fixture that provides a LocalstackSession. This is not a fixture! It is a factory to create them. The fixtures that are created by this function will yield a :class:`.LocalstackSession` instance. This is useful for simulating multiple AWS accounts. It does not automatically redirect botocore/boto3 traffic to Localstack (although :class:`.LocalstackSession` has a method to do that.) The :class:`.LocalstackSession` instance has factories to create botocore/boto3 clients that will connect to Localstack. Args: scope (str, optional): The pytest scope which this fixture will use. Defaults to :const:`"function"`. services (list, dict, optional): One of: - A :class:`list` of AWS service names to start in the Localstack container. - A :class:`dict` of service names to the port they should run on. Defaults to all services. Setting this can reduce container startup time and therefore test time. autouse (bool, optional): If :obj:`True`, automatically use this fixture in applicable tests. Default: :obj:`False` docker_client (:class:`~docker.client.DockerClient`, optional): Docker client to run the Localstack container with. Defaults to :func:`docker.client.from_env`. region_name (str, optional): Region name to assume. Each Localstack container acts like a single AWS region. Defaults to :const:`"us-east-1"`. kinesis_error_probability (float, optional): Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into Kinesis API responses. dynamodb_error_probability (float, optional): Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into DynamoDB API responses. container_log_level (int, optional): The logging level to use for Localstack container logs. Defaults to :data:`logging.DEBUG`. localstack_version (str, optional): The version of the Localstack image to use. Defaults to :const:`"latest"`. auto_remove (bool, optional): If :obj:`True`, delete the Localstack container when it stops. Default: :obj:`True` pull_image (bool, optional): If :obj:`True`, pull the Localstack image before running it. Default: :obj:`True`. container_name (str, optional): The name for the Localstack container. Defaults to a randomly generated id. **kwargs: Additional kwargs will be passed to the :class:`.LocalstackSession`. Returns: A :func:`pytest fixture <_pytest.fixtures.fixture>`. """ @pytest.fixture(scope=scope, autouse=autouse) def _fixture(pytestconfig): if not pytestconfig.pluginmanager.hasplugin("localstack"): pytest.skip("skipping because localstack plugin isn't loaded") with _make_session( docker_client=docker_client, services=services, region_name=region_name, kinesis_error_probability=kinesis_error_probability, dynamodb_error_probability=dynamodb_error_probability, container_log_level=container_log_level, localstack_version=localstack_version, auto_remove=auto_remove, pull_image=pull_image, container_name=container_name, **kwargs ) as session: yield session return _fixture
@contextlib.contextmanager def _make_session(docker_client, *args, **kwargs): utils.check_proxy_env_vars() if docker_client is None: docker_client = docker.from_env() try: # Check connectivity except docker.errors.APIError:"Could not connect to Docker.") _session = session.LocalstackSession(docker_client, *args, **kwargs) _session.start(timeout=_start_timeout) try: yield _session finally: _session.stop(timeout=_stop_timeout) # Register contrib modules plugin.register_plugin_module("pytest_localstack.contrib.botocore") plugin.register_plugin_module("pytest_localstack.contrib.boto3", False) # Register 3rd-party modules plugin.manager.load_setuptools_entrypoints("localstack") # Trigger pytest_localstack_contribute_to_module hook plugin.manager.hook.contribute_to_module.call_historic( kwargs={"pytest_localstack": sys.modules[__name__]} )