Source code for pytest_localstack.session

"""Run and interact with a Localstack container."""
import logging
import os
import string
import time

import six

from pytest_localstack import constants, container, exceptions, plugin, service_checks

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class RunningSession(object):
    """Connects to an already running localstack server"""

    def __init__(

        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.use_ssl = use_ssl
        self.region_name = region_name
        self._hostname = hostname


        if services is None:
   = dict(constants.SERVICE_PORTS)
        elif isinstance(services, (list, tuple, set)):
   = {}
            for service_name in services:
                    port = constants.SERVICE_PORTS[service_name]
                except KeyError:
                    raise exceptions.ServiceError("unknown service " + service_name)
      [service_name] = port
        elif isinstance(services, dict):
   = {}
            for service_name, port in services.items():
                if service_name not in constants.SERVICE_PORTS:
                    raise exceptions.ServiceError("unknown service " + service_name)
                if port is None:
                    port = constants.SERVICE_PORTS[service_name]
      [service_name] = port
            raise TypeError("unsupported services type: %r" % (services,))

    def hostname(self):
        """Return hostname of Localstack."""
        return self._hostname

    def service_aliases(self):
        """Return a full list of possible names supported."""
        services = set(
        result = set()
        for alias, service_name in constants.SERVICE_ALIASES.items():
            if service_name in services:
        return result

    def start(self, timeout=60):
        """Starts Localstack if needed."""


    def _check_services(self, timeout, initial_retry_delay=0.01, max_delay=1):
        """Check that all Localstack services are running and accessible.

        Does exponential backoff up to `max_delay`.

            timeout (float): Number of seconds to wait for services to
                be available.
            initial_retry_delay (float, optional): Initial retry delay value
                in seconds. Will be multiplied by `2^n` for each retry.
                Default: 0.01
            max_delay (float, optional): Max time in seconds to wait between
                checking service availability. Default: 1


            pytest_localstack.exceptions.TimeoutError: If not all services
                started before `timeout` was reached.

        services = set(
        num_retries = 0
        start_time = time.time()
        while services and (time.time() - start_time) < timeout:
            for service_name in list(
            ):  # list() because set may change during iteration
                except exceptions.ServiceError:
            if services:
                delay = (2 ** num_retries) * initial_retry_delay
                if delay > max_delay:
                    delay = max_delay
                    num_retries += 1
        if services:
            services = list(services)
            raise exceptions.TimeoutError(
                "Localstack services not started: {0!r}".format(services)

    def stop(self, timeout=10):
        """Stops Localstack."""

    def __enter__(
        self.__stop_timeout = stop_timeout
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
        timeout = getattr(
            self, "__stop_timeout", constants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_STOP_TIMEOUT

    def map_port(self, port):
        """Return host port based on Localstack port."""
        return port

    def service_hostname(self, service_name):
        """Get hostname and port for an AWS service."""
        service_name = constants.SERVICE_ALIASES.get(service_name, service_name)
        if service_name not in
            raise exceptions.ServiceError(
                "{0!r} does not have {1} enabled".format(self, service_name)
        port = self.map_port([service_name])
        return "%s:%i" % (self.hostname, port)

    def endpoint_url(self, service_name):
        """Get the URL for a service endpoint."""
        url = ("https" if self.use_ssl else "http") + "://"
        url += self.service_hostname(service_name)
        return url

[docs]class LocalstackSession(RunningSession): """Run a localstack Docker container. This class can start and stop a Localstack container, as well as capture its logs. It also implments a plugin system to add factories for the various AWS client libraries (botocore, boto3, etc). Can be used as a context manager: >>> import docker >>> client = docker.from_env() >>> with LocalstackSession(client) as session: ... s3 = session.boto3.resource('s3') Args: docker_client: A docker-py Client object that will be used to talk to Docker. services (list|dict, optional): One of - A list of AWS service names to start in the Localstack container. - A dict of service names to the port they should run on. Defaults to all services. Setting this can reduce container startup time and therefore test time. region_name (str, optional): Region name to assume. Each Localstack container acts like a single AWS region. Defaults to 'us-east-1'. kinesis_error_probability (float, optional): Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into Kinesis API responses. dynamodb_error_probability (float, optional): Decimal value between 0.0 (default) and 1.0 to randomly inject ProvisionedThroughputExceededException errors into DynamoDB API responses. container_log_level (int, optional): The logging level to use for Localstack container logs. Defaults to :attr:`logging.DEBUG`. localstack_verison (str, optional): The version of the Localstack image to use. Defaults to `latest`. auto_remove (bool, optional): If True, delete the Localstack container when it stops. container_name (str, optional): The name for the Localstack container. Defaults to a randomly generated id. use_ssl (bool, optional): If True use SSL to connect to Localstack. Default is False. **kwargs: Additional kwargs will be stored in a `kwargs` attribute in case test resource factories want to access them. """ image_name = "localstack/localstack" factories = [] def __init__( self, docker_client, services=None, region_name=constants.DEFAULT_AWS_REGION, kinesis_error_probability=0.0, dynamodb_error_probability=0.0, container_log_level=logging.DEBUG, localstack_verison="latest", auto_remove=True, pull_image=True, container_name=None, use_ssl=False, **kwargs ): self._container = None self._factory_cache = {} self.docker_client = docker_client self.region_name = region_name self.kinesis_error_probability = kinesis_error_probability self.dynamodb_error_probability = dynamodb_error_probability self.auto_remove = bool(auto_remove) self.pull_image = bool(pull_image) super(LocalstackSession, self).__init__( hostname=constants.LOCALHOST, services=services, region_name=region_name, use_ssl=use_ssl, **kwargs ) self.container_log_level = container_log_level self.localstack_verison = localstack_verison self.container_name = container_name or generate_container_name() def start(self, timeout=60): """Start the Localstack container. Args: timeout (float, optional): Wait at most this many seconds for the Localstack services to start. Default is 1 minute. Raises: pytest_localstack.exceptions.TimeoutError: If *timeout* was reached before all Localstack services were available. docker.errors.APIError: If the Docker daemon returns an error. """ if self._container is not None: raise exceptions.ContainerAlreadyStartedError(self) logger.debug("Starting Localstack container %s", self.container_name) logger.debug("%r running starting hooks", self) plugin.manager.hook.session_starting(session=self) image_name = self.image_name + ":" + self.localstack_verison if self.pull_image: logger.debug("Pulling docker image %r", image_name) self.docker_client.images.pull(image_name) start_time = time.time() services = ",".join("%s:%s" % pair for pair in kinesis_error_probability = "%f" % self.kinesis_error_probability dynamodb_error_probability = "%f" % self.dynamodb_error_probability use_ssl = str(self.use_ssl).lower() self._container = image_name, name=self.container_name, detach=True, auto_remove=self.auto_remove, environment={ "DEFAULT_REGION": self.region_name, "SERVICES": services, "KINESIS_ERROR_PROBABILITY": kinesis_error_probability, "DYNAMODB_ERROR_PROBABILITY": dynamodb_error_probability, "USE_SSL": use_ssl, }, ports={port: None for port in}, ) logger.debug( "Started Localstack container %s (id: %s)", self.container_name, self._container.short_id, ) # Tail container logs container_logger = logger.getChild("containers.%s" % self._container.short_id) self._stdout_tailer = container.DockerLogTailer( self._container, container_logger.getChild("stdout"), self.container_log_level, stdout=True, stderr=False, ) self._stdout_tailer.start() self._stderr_tailer = container.DockerLogTailer( self._container, container_logger.getChild("stderr"), self.container_log_level, stdout=False, stderr=True, ) self._stderr_tailer.start() try: timeout_remaining = timeout - (time.time() - start_time) if timeout_remaining <= 0: raise exceptions.TimeoutError("Container took too long to start.") self._check_services(timeout_remaining) logger.debug("%r running started hooks", self) plugin.manager.hook.session_started(session=self) logger.debug("%r finished started hooks", self) except exceptions.TimeoutError: if self._container is not None: self.stop(0.1) raise def stop(self, timeout=10): """Stop the Localstack container. Args: timeout (float, optional): Timeout in seconds to wait for the container to stop before sending a SIGKILL. Default: 10 Raises: docker.errors.APIError: If the Docker daemon returns an error. """ if self._container is not None: logger.debug("Stopping %r", self) logger.debug("Running stopping hooks for %r", self) plugin.manager.hook.session_stopping(session=self) logger.debug("Finished stopping hooks for %r", self) self._container.stop(timeout=10) self._container = None self._stdout_tailer = None self._stderr_tailer = None logger.debug("Stopped %r", self) logger.debug("Running stopped hooks for %r", self) plugin.manager.hook.session_stopped(session=self) logger.debug("Finished stopped hooks for %r", self) def __del__(self): """Stop container on garbage collection.""" self.stop(0.1) def map_port(self, port): """Return host port based on Localstack container port.""" if self._container is None: raise exceptions.ContainerNotStartedError(self) result = self.docker_client.api.port(, int(port)) if not result: return None return int(result[0]["HostPort"])
def generate_container_name(): """Generate a random name for a Localstack container.""" valid_chars = set(string.ascii_letters) chars = [] while len(chars) < 6: new_chars = [chr(c) for c in six.iterbytes(os.urandom(6 - len(chars)))] chars += [c for c in new_chars if c in valid_chars] return "pytest-localstack-" + "".join(chars)